Where it’s headed

It’s hard to say how my photography will be different in three, five, or twenty years. It’s already changed so much in the few short years I’ve been doing it. I do hope that at least I will still enjoy it later in life. While past passions have faded, my reverence for nature never has.

What I’m sure of is I love the natural places I already call home so much that I don’t feel a compulsion to photograph exotic places. It’s all good here, where I can take my time enjoying the creative life.

My photography will always be the opposite of a “hustle”. I love knowing the only real competition is with myself, and the only limits to creativity are ones I impose.

I’m also certain that the photographs will come in waves as the creative well naturally dries and refills. Even something as strong as a passion for nature can rise and fall in all its wild seasons.

Memories from days alone in the woods behind my childhood home are among my most cherished, so I will say this: the greatest achievement I could hope for is for my photos to transport a jaded person back to a time when the only thing that mattered was playing outside.