Three of a Kind


These last few days I’ve enjoyed going back in my catalog and connecting thematic dots among some images I haven’t shared yet (at least on social media). For some time I’ve been drawn to the idea of creating cohesive projects, but have been daunted by the discipline required to make, and then curate, series of ten or more images.

That’s just felt like a large number of images to purposefully tie together, and I never wanted to feel bound to any specific, predetermined aesthetic in the field. Plus, since I started photography, I’ve gravitated toward making and sharing individual images. Breaking out of this mode has proven difficult.

However, curating and organizing tiny groups of just a few images has actually turned out to be a satisfying exercise. I think it has given life to photos that might have otherwise struggled to stand on their own. When combined, these “black sheep” contribute to larger visual narratives.

It’s been a gratifying “project” making small groups of photos in order to tell the stories of places I deeply value, whether those places are physical, conceptual, spiritual, or emotional. Bringing past experiences to relevant light has felt akin to realizing the practical value of nonsensical, nearly-forgotten dreams.

Plus, it’s 95 degrees and 90% humidity, so making new photos just isn’t in the cards for now.

Please select a themed group below and enjoy!